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  • Itchyworms

    Akin Ka Na Lang → traduction en anglais

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Just Be Mine

Don’t you believe him cause he doesn’t really love you
Your life will only be wasted if you go to him
He’s just going to leave you, be careful
You’re just another addition to one of his million women
Just be mine (Just be mine)
I’ll be careful with your heart
Just be mine (Just be mine)
There’s no one else than you
I’m not a liar like other people
The truth is I get tongue-tied when I’m with you
He’s just a smooth-talker, don’t be fooled
Take care, because you might become a victim
(I hope not)
Just be mine (Just be mine)
I’ll be careful with your heart
Just be mine (Just be mine)
There’s no one else than you
It’s not that I’m bad-mouthing that ugly
Just please don’t doubt me
I’ll never ever leave you alone
Just be mine (Just be mine)
I’ll be careful with your heart
Just be mine (Just be mine)
There’s no one else than you
Just be mine (Just be mine)
You'll find happiness with my love
Just be mine (Just be mine)
There’s no one else than you
There’s no one else than you
Just be mine (Just be mine)
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Akin Ka Na Lang

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