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  • Tess

    Amor libre → traduction en anglais

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Free love

Nananá, na na na naná,...
I only want that you love me
I´m dying to die of love
It was Romeo and Juliet
they fall in love in a SexShop
skin of woman or man
everything can happen
upside down
where is the pleasure written?
alone or in group
comfort is not taboo
the important thing is to be happy
I want a love free
between me and you
without laws
I want a love free
that makes me feel
that everything is possible
inside of me.
What is right or wrong?
the two-sided coin is expired
the game of ambiguity
reach her with an arrow to the heart
full moon or paper moon
both separate
suddenly , one, two, three...
...nobody understands why
kiss me under the half light
kiss me under the blue sky
let the world spin finally for you
I want a love free
between me and you
without laws
I want a love free
that makes me feel
that everything is possible
inside of me.
Someone cheated the heart once
pain, hate.... They were erased with love¡
Nananá, na na na naná,...
I want a love free
between me and you
without laws
I want a love free
that makes me feel
that everything is possible
inside of me.
I want a love free
between me and you
withaout laws
I want a love free
that makes me feel
that everything is possible
inside of me.
Paroles originales

Amor libre

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Amor libre »