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Moscow crows woke me up,
Wet matches killed hope.
To smoke. It's mean that I'll live longer,
It's means that we'll..
..Burn ships in my haven.
Will change ticket to roubles.
I want it grows to my shoulders
I never come back to home
With you
I feel myself interested in you, but with their don't.
I see that it is crowded here,
I remember that it is well.
I present time.
Do you see that I'm burning?
Somebody confused and burned me,
They didn't teach me to see into peep-hole
And hardly to grow to my shoulders
I'll break turnstile and will run to mine
Reverse change to ticket
I will wait, call me up
Like always at 6 p.m.
I grew up by one life
Perpas it's needs to be taking stock
Ships in my haven
If we don't fly up, we will swim
And will put a clock back two hours
Paroles originales


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