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  • Radwimps

    洗脳 → traduction en anglais

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なぁ 俺が病気だって言える根拠なんかあんのかい
あんたとてそうでしょう 臭いものに蓋しよう
信じたいものだけを信じて きたんでしょう?
穿ったその思考を 取り払うのにもひと苦労
さぁ今日からはどうしよう あぁちくしょう 有象無象
あんたがたどこさ 庇護さ どこ贔屓かってんで
えっさほいさ生きた結果 これじゃ
仕方ないし 味気ないし いざって時は使えない
君のように 何気なく 『自由』に僕も飼われたい
多いとは言うが そりゃどうだろうかもう
疑うことばかり うまくなっても
信じたっていいでしょう? 違ってたって何なの?
幸か不幸かどうかは 僕に決めさせてよ
他は好き勝手 決めさせてやってるんだからさ
僕が怖いのかい なんで泣くんだい
理解ができない? それは僕も一緒さ
「目を覚ましてよ」 何を言ってんの?
一語一句違わず その気持ちも一緒さ
何も違わないんだ僕ら そうだ、泣くことなんてないんだ
だから ママ顔上げて さぁ笑ってや
言ってた 今僕は言うよ心から
ハッピー ハッピー ハッピー ハッピー
産まれ変わったのであります これぞ真の姿なのです
わかります わかるのであります あなたの偉大さを 巨大さを
家族にも話しました ダメでした
殴り続けました そしたらついに母は動かなくなったのです
ハナっから 自分に○を 僕に×をつけてさ
頭ごなしに 振りかざした その君の正義の
薄いこと 寒いこと 鼻で笑ってしまうよもう
君じゃないよ 『君の幸』の定義決めた奴は そう
の方が多いとは言うが そりゃどうだろうかもう
疑うことばかり うまくなっても
信じたっていいでしょう? 違ってたって何なの?
幸か不幸かどうかは 僕に決めさせてよ
他は好き勝手 決めさせてやってるんだからさ


Hey, do you even have any basis to say that I'm sick
It's not like I was particularly born to make you happy
It's the same for you, isn't it Let's put a lid on things that stink
You've come this far believing only the things that you want to believe
The evil views and prejudices that I desperately uttered and obtained during elementary, middle, and high school
Those thoughts that were true The pain of clearing them away
So, what should I do from today Ahh sh*t You worthless people
I definitely won't be tricked anymore
Where are you from Your patronage Your partiality
The result of your hard efforts Is this
It can't be helped It's wearisome The time now can't be used
I also want to be raised with casual "freedom" like you
It's said that there are more unseen things than seen
And more unknown things than know
That's what's said But I'm not sure about that
Always doubting We've become pretty good
Isn't it fine to have believed? So what if that's wrong?
All the same, it doesn't mean good things exist
Let me decide whether I'm for good or for evil
Since I'm letting you decide the rest as you please
Are you scared of me? Why are you crying?
You can't comprehend? Well it's the same for me, too
"Open your eyes"* What the heck are you saying?
Not a single word is incorrect Yeah, that's the same for me, too
Neither of us are different That's it, there's nothing to cry about
So raise your head, Mom, and laugh
"It's okay as long as you become happy"
That's what you said Now I'll say it from my heart
Happy Happy Happy Happy
I've been reborn This is my true form
All of my time up till now was for the sake of meeting You**
I understand I understand now Your greatness Your vastness
I am so grateful that You have bestowed upon me the intellect to comprehend You
I talked with my family It was no good
I was told that I was the one who was crowded out, I lost myself and punched her
I continued punching her And then finally my mom stopped moving
Your enemy is my enemy
Even if that enemy is my blood relative there's no way that I can forgive them
From the start You marked Yourself as correct and me as incorrect
You unsparingly brandished your justice
Your justice that's so thin and cold I can't help but laugh scornfully
You're not even the one who decided the definition of "Your happiness"
It's said that there are more unseen things than seen
And more unknown things than know
That's what's said But I'm not sure about that
Always doubting We've become pretty good
Isn't it fine to have believed? So what if that's wrong?
All the same, it doesn't mean good things exist
Let me decide whether I'm for good or for evil
Since I'm letting you decide the rest as you please
Aidez à traduire « 洗脳 »
Expressions idiomatiques dans « 洗脳 »