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  • Alice Caymmi

    Como Vês → traduction en anglais

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As You See

He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
As you see
Love will carry everything away
When he gets here
He will take away all he can
Kicking down the walls I built up
He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
As you see
Love will make fade away the colors
Of the pictures he touches
In the wind he will take away
The days, the months and what is yet to come
As you see
Love will carry everything away
When he gets here
He will take away all he can
Kicking down the walls I built up
As you see
Love will make fade away the colors
Of the pictures he touches
He wants to destroy me
I'm no one
Till it's time to wake up
Till on beyond
As you see
Love will carry everything away
When he gets here
He will take away all he can
Kicking down the walls I built up
As you see
Love will make fade away the colors
Of the pictures he touches
In the wind he will take away
The days, the months and what is yet to come
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Como Vês

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