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The sense of pain

The moon is calling the earth tonight,
maybe he get's her,
only I am unreachable,
i cut the lines.
You thought i was strong,
that i can handle everything,
but I am vulnerable,
as all women.
Wasted, the whole night i'm sitting,
Wasted (killed), from all this cold looks,
Wasted, while you are pleasing her,
wasted, the sense of pain is alive.
Tonight they are looking for Atlantida,
maybe they will find it.
Even they will find me there,
instead in your arms.
You addmitted it, in your own way,
you was consoling me poorly.
I drank too much,
and you got rid of me.
'Coz who console,can be wrong,
and you did it wrong.
I'm leaving, can't stand it anymore,
so you really get rid of me.
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