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I'm Giving My Word

You've never said what it is about me that get's on your nerves
Everything remained in your heart
And now you're serving it to me like a banquet on a table
But everything is bitter and crude to me
You didn't say it when you had the chance
Why those words, when it's too late
When the day spills a bit of sorrow
I won't say a word
But when the night pours a little bit more wine
I'll give you my word, that I'm forgetting about us
We drove it to the wall, now we've got nowhere else to go to
We've lost the way a long time ago
And I know why you're telling me not to touch your face
Because I would like to kiss you for the end
You didn't say it when you had the chance
Why those words, when it's too late
When the day spills a bit of sorrow
I won't say a word
But when the night pours a little bit more wine
I'll give you my word, that I'm forgetting about us
And if you told me lies
I will allow every one of them
But the one 'that you're only mine'
Well, that lie I won't forgive you for
On the day that sorrow is spillt
I'll give you my word, that I'm forgetting about us
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Željko Joksimović: Top 3