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  • Grasu XXL

    Deja vu → traduction en anglais

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Deja Vu

Chorus :
I know you from somewhere,
I have your voice in my mind
Any thought I have flies to you, anyhow, anywhere
I know you from somewhere
You told me you don't know me anymore,
That everything that was is gone, and now we are some exes,
Two idiots
When you scream, I scream louder
And it seems I like to see you when you're hurting
This is love and hate
I'm out of words when this silence is screaming
Hit me hard in my heart, say what you have to say
I'm still here, because I can take it
Without fear, like in the beginning
When you didn't know, you didn't see me as a stranger
And now you have a shield, you don't listen to me
We know each other from another life, please don't forget that!
I know you from somewhere,
I have your voice in my mind
Any thought I have flies to you, anyhow, anywhere
I know you from somewhere
And I know time doesn't wait, like a smart woman,
Nothing is normal in this aberrant world,
Everything is going downwards, stick to me
Cause look how everybody's looking but no one sees us
Alone against the world, who's stopping us?
The classic cliche, you have to love blindly
The heart is looking, we didn't get there yet
Don't ask me things that have no answer
Cause I don't want to lie to you
You know I can't really talk about all I'm feeling
You have to feel me, your pride doesn't allow you
Maybe not now, maybe in another life
I know you from somewhere,
I have your voice in my mind
Any thought I have flies to you, anyhow, anywhere
I know you from somewhere
There's a thin line, between love and fear
I know you from somewhere,
I have your voice in my mind
Any thought I have flies to you, anyhow, anywhere
I know you from somewhere
Paroles originales

Deja vu

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