La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
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The night came suddenly and quickly
Windows, shutters and doors are closed
God, save us from evel spirits
People were praying on their knees
Silent fear's sneaked in every house
And only the old drunk watchman
Forgot about everything and went on yelling
The air is filled with cemeterial chillness
Blinding fog is crawling from the wetlands
Mignight is close and somewhere near
Vampires are out for their hunt
And someone will be buried again
And mournful chorus of strong basses
Will sing psalms that are as black as thunder
Life is impossible when it's prostrate with fear
Innocent blood has been spilled
The church is empty, no faith is left
And the gold of older icons is fading
And flowering garden is full of wild grass
And only the old drunk watchman
Forgot about everything and went on yelling
Paroles originales


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