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  • Fabrizio Moro

    Everybody → traduction en anglais

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Who does polemic each day
Who looks at himself a little around
Who is on the left and who is on the right
And the one who preaches to the window.
Who does not put the condom
Who raises the estimate to you
The songs of Sanremo
And the one who has everything and pays less.
The refrigerator that is empty
who is a foreigner and arrives at swimming
who is a hero and who is not a rabbit
who wakes up and kills the son.
You who loves me and does not love itself
You disappear and then it recalls
You take my hands
And don't leave them
The same lies, the same persons
The same hopes, the same reality
The same condition of disapproval.
Yes, everybody
And life is so hard
It (life) will not be an adventure
I have no job
And the children go boh!
Who behind points the lighthouses
Who does not cry at the funerals
The one who is generous and who is avaricious
the championship is not much clear.
And thirty years and the marriage
And the rotten luck and the pinzimonio
And the fair-haired dyed delays
And the America and the bombs.
You who loves me and you don't love me
You disappear and then it recalls
You take my hands
And not to leave her any more...
The same lies, the same people
The same hopes, the same reality
The same condition of disapproval.
The same cachet, the same prayers
That more spends the time and the majority is truth
It is my conviction
that we are to the exasperation.
You who loves me and does not love itself
You disappear and then recallls
You take my hands
And not to leave her any more...
The same lies, the same persons
The same hopes the same reality
The same condition of disapproval.
The same cachet, the same prayers
That more spends the time and the majority is truth
It is my conviction
that we are to the exasperation.
Yes, everybody.
Paroles originales


Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (italien)

Fabrizio Moro: Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Everybody »
Don JuanDon Juan
   Mar, 09/08/2016 - 12:51

Thanks for translating.

Some suggestions:
And life is so hard / It (life) will not be an adventure / I have no job / And the children go boh!
Who does not cry to the funerals > Who does not cry at the funerals
persons > people ('persons' is too formal for a song)

Again, it would be good if you selected which languages you speak in your profile.