La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Herbert Grönemeyer

    Feuerlicht → traduction en anglais

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Fire light

Help me, so my storm lies down
That my flight ends and passes away
Borrow me a coat and a passage
So there's a direction I can take
And keep me warm
With your fire's light
And keep me warm
And don't forget me
I've got nothing to lose anymore
If I don't make it I become a burden
I'm looking for a space in your quarters
And not for your savings
Just for some holding in the bush
Just for some holding and nothing else
Only a minute
Of peace
Only a silent night
That cares and watches over me
That knows about me
And doesn't keep the mouth shut
Have you got any love left,
Is there some at hand anywhere?
I'm the uninvited guest
Shattered and made dumb
My triumph in the sleeve is wet all through
My triumph in the sleeve is my last offer
Only a minute
Of peace
Only a silent night
That cares and watches over me
That knows about me
And doesn't keep the mouth shut
Only a minute
Of peace
Only a silent night
That cares and watches over me
That knows about me
And doesn't keep the mouth shut
I'm not looking for a green lawn
I'm looking for a save place
For my ideas and my power
One hand
Only a minute
Of peace
Only a silent night
That cares and watches over me
That knows about me
And doesn't keep the mouth shut
Paroles originales


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