Transcription help

2 publications / 0 nouveau(x)
<a href="/fr/translator/asasasw" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1183057">asasasw <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.07.2013
Pending moderation

Can someone see if there's anything they can add to his transcription

His Comments:
I am not sure if he says "θέλω πίσω την καρδιά μου" or "παίρνω πίσω την καρδιά μου". Only at 2:42 it sounds clear that he says "παίρνω".

Mathima Kardias

<a href="/fr/translator/christos-alexandridis" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1206627">Christos Alexandridis </a>
Inscrit·e le : 04.05.2014

I didn't see your translation in english, but the singer says exactly what is written in the text, so you can follow it