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If There was a Way Back

Look at us, there's no need for words
Every look on your face reeks of break-up
A love in a desert in your heart
The fire isn't going out
Then, the fears won't hide
Love in a lake made of tears
It won't glide from your life
It's not fading away inside of you
If there was a way back wouldn't (my) heart get back to you
Wouldn't it beat the destiny in that road
*If its true is love wouldn't a glance worth something
If it has lies wouldn't it erase its writing**
( x 2 )
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Geri Dönüş Olsa

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Collections avec « Geri Dönüş Olsa »
Murat Boz: Top 3
   Sam, 03/07/2021 - 08:26

The layout of lyrics has been updated. Please review your translation.