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This is my Fate

It is my fate that I loved you
Your love has changed my point of view
I see the world differently
I live the moment and forget my sadness
Oh, my glory, you couldn’t do anything
So just stay where you are
And let time pass
So I can live the moment, and forget myself
(Forget) my power and my pride, so time gets longer
You’re the only one who was able to change how I think
And let me get over all those
Who have hurt me, those who made me crying all nights
And cursing love
Oh, tears of mine, leave and forget about me
I want to be happy, I want to live my life by his side
(And while you’re leaving) get all those who hurt me off my heart,
Oh, God, I swear I’ve got tired
It’s my fate to find your love
To live and grow old by your side
I beg you, don’t lose me
I want to reach the end of that road with you
Paroles originales

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Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (arabe)

VelsketVelsket    Jeu, 24/05/2018 - 11:13

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.

Note: The changes I made were mostly changes in formatting to make the original text more legible.
