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Today I am longing for you

You were a passing bird
and I don't know for what reason
Everyday I got more used to you
We both invented
the advanture of love
You completed my life
And after I saw you leave
without saying goodbye
I saw you leave
I want to find my way
in your open arms
And that you feel woman
exclusively with me
Today I am longing for you
Today I am longing for you
I want to satisfy (on your lips)
the thirst of my soul on your lips
And to discover love
together every morning
Today I am longing for you
Today I am longing for you
There is nothing more sad
then the silence and the pain
Nothing more bitter
to know that I lost you
Today I search in the night
the sound of your voice
And where you are hiding
to complete me
You complete me
You complete me
I want to find my way
in your open arms
And that you feel woman
exclusively with me
Today I am longing for you
Today I am longing for you
I want to satisfy
the thirst of my soul on your lips
And to discover love
together every morning
Today I am longing for you
Today I am longing for you
I want to find my way
in your open arms
And that you feel woman
exclusively with me
Today I am longing for you
Today I am longing for you
Exclusively with me
Today I am longing for you
Today I am longing for you
Paroles originales

Hoy tengo ganas de ti

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (espagnol)

una de dos piedrasuna de dos piedras    Ven, 11/07/2014 - 20:28

Yorsh has already provided a definitive translation so yours is unnecessary. Also it is inaccurate in several places and ungrammatical in others. For example "buscar" doesn't mean find; it means search for. "LLenarme de ti" doesn't mean you complete me; it means fill me with you. " que sientas mujer" is perfectly good Spanish. But "that you feel woman" is not only not good English; it is not even bad English. It is not English at all. The correct rendering of the Spanish is "that you feel like a woman" Satisfy is not a good way to translate apagar; better to say I want to slake (or quench) my soul's thirst... Because the translation is unnecessary and not an improvement on Yorsh's (in fact it is much worse than his), it violates the guidelines and you should delete it.