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  • La Vela Puerca

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Hello, how's it going?
Today I feel fine
Today I can swear
And cry standing
About ghosts today
Nobody wants to talk
Today I hid them
And learned to swim
Hello, how's it going?
Today I saw the city
Today I got myself
What I went looking for
At Manuels
Today I saw her go by
I'm not going to run
Today I can talk to her
From fear and bruise
From desire to torment
And afterwards beg forgiveness
One more
Today doesn't seem to bother
Today I carry the unreason
And some friend too
Today I understood myself
Today I was relieved
Tomorrow I plan to return
Today I imagined
That I'm at peace
Today I discovered myself
Without overthinking
Todays routine
Is not going mad
Yesterday I lost me
But today I found myself
From fear and bruise
From desire to torment
And afterwards beg forgiveness
One more
Today doesn't seem to bother
Today I carry the unreason
And some friend too
Today I understood myself
Today I was relieved
Tomorrow I plan to return
Today I understood myself
Today I hallucinated
Tomorrow I plan to return
From desire for a heart
Trying not to go back
To fall in their prison
One more
Got convinced
That everything he did today
Tomorrow can do
Today I understood myself
Today I was relieved
Tomorrow I plan to return
Today I understood myself
Today I hallucinated
Tomorrow I plan to return
Paroles originales


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La Vela Puerca: Top 3