La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Franco Battiato

    Inneres Auge → traduction en anglais

Taille de la police
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Inner eye

Like a pack of wolves
descending from the plateaus waving
or a swarm of bees
deviously devouring odorous petals
they swing as boulders from
very high mountains in ruins.
One says, what's wrong in organizing private parties
with beautiful girls
to cheer primary and state servants?
We did not understand each other
And why we should pay
also the extras to the ridge-runners?
what can do laws
where does money only reign?
Justice is nothing more than a public commodity ...
With what they would live
charlatans and scammers
if they had no sounding coin to be thrown as a fishing hooks among the people.
The horizontal line
pushes us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
With closed eyelids
there is a glimpse of it
that with time - and it takes patience
it opens to the inner look:
inneres auge das innere auge 1
The horizontal line moves us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
the horizontal line moves us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
but when I return to me
on my way to reading and studying
listening to the great past ...
I just need a sonata of Corelli 2
because I wonder of creation!
  • 1. interior eye, or the third eye
    for the Tibetans, that can see the aura of people
  • 2. Arcangelo Corelli, musician and violinist-lived in the '700
Paroles originales

Inneres Auge

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (italien)

Berny DevlinBerny Devlin
   Lun, 16/10/2017 - 08:40

Please Nick, may you correct a little part of this text? Corelli is a surname, so it wants the capital initial letter. Thank you.

   Sam, 21/10/2017 - 12:23

Fixed. You can also translate the title (from German): Inner eye (lo sguardo interiore).

Berny DevlinBerny Devlin
   Lun, 16/10/2017 - 08:41

In this song there are references to the famous elegant dinners of Arcore, Rome and so on, organized for Berlusconi and Forza Italia's entourage. An infinite court case, there are still open processes.

Don JuanDon Juan
   Mar, 17/05/2022 - 19:55

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.