La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Riblja Čorba

    Ja ratujem sam → traduction en anglais

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I fight alone

Every night I call the Brankovics to come for a drink
Everywhere around me, I find weaklings
He who sleeps with children, wakes up with piss over himself
I've searched with a candle, there's people nowhere
A judge is suing you, a judge is judging you
I fight alone, I fight alone
He'll deceive me, he'll lie to me, my own brother
He'll sell me, he'll stab me in the back
I have no trust, nor will I have any
'Cause I fight alone
Scared friends won't lift a finger
I am the next one to be crucified
My conscience is clean, I won't repent
Until my brain serves me well, I'll impart it
My throat is vociferous, that's why I bark loudly
I fight alone, I fight alone
I fight alone, I fight alone
I fight alone, I fight alone
Paroles originales

Ja ratujem sam

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