La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
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Километри туге

Volela sam pogresnog coveka
dugo sebi nisam priznala
pored njega zivela ko senka
nikad srece nisam imala
Ref. 2x
Iza mene kilometri tuge
a ispred mene korak nadanja
ako hoces idi ljubi druge
ostavljam te, nema kajanja
Predugo sam protiv sebe isla
ko po zaru da sam hodala
sve ti dala, a dobila nista
samo da bih s tobom ostala
Ref. 2x
Sanjala sam rastanak sa tobom
a ni suzu nisam pustila
osetila zelju za slobodom
nasmejana se probudila

Kilometres of sorrow

I loved the wrong man
it was long time till I confessed
next to him, I was living as a shadow
I never had a luck
Chorus (2x)
Kilometres of sorrow behind me
and a footstep of hope in front of me
if you want, go, kiss other women
I'm abandoning you, there's no repentance
It was too long time while I was doing against myself
like I was walking on the live coals
I gave you everything, and got nothing
just in order to stay with you
Chorus (2x)
I was dreaming of our separation
and I didn't even shed a tear
I felt that I was wanting a freedom
I woke up smiling