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At the Seashore

I've come to sing for you,
the song that I learned,
at the seashore.
I carry it in my heart,
with the last goodbye,
that you gave me at parting.
In love with you,
your love is my beacon, your look is my light
I die of sorrow at parting, well,
I would like to live, beside you no more.
I'm leaving, tonight lukewarm and sensuous
full of tropical warmth,
very lonely with my sad sorrow.
If you, want our love to remember,
look around the seashore,
for your name that I engraved in the sand
I'm leaving, well I can't live without you,
And it's not possible to suffer anymore,
the anguish of my loneliness.
Goodbye, the the one that I gave my heart to
to the love that was my delusion,
that tropical night
Paroles originales

A la orilla del mar

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