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A l'entrada del temps clar

A l'entrada del temps clar — eya
Per jòia recomençar — eya
E per jelós irritar — eya
Vòl la regina mostrar
Qu'el'es si amorosa
A la vi', a la via, jelós!
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos.
El' a fait pertot mandar — eya
Non sia jusqu'à la mar — eya
Piucela ni bachalar — eya
Que tuit non vengan dançar
En la dansa joiosa.
A la vi', a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos.
Lo reis i ven d'autra part — eya
Per la dança destorbar — eya
Que el es en cremetar — eya
Que òm no li vòlh emblar
La regin' aurilhosa.
A la vi', a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos.
Mais per nïent lo vòl far — eya
Qu'ela n'a sonh de vielhart — eya
Mais d'un leugièr bachalar — eya
Qui ben sapcha solaçar
La dòmna saborosa.
A la vi', a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos.
Qui donc la vezés dançar — eya
E son gent còrs deportar — eya
Ben pògra dir de vertat — eya
Qu'el mont non aja sa par
La regina joiosa.
A la vi', a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos.

At the beginning of the bright season

At the beginning of the bright season, indeed,
in order to be joyous again, indeed,
and to annoy the jealous, indeed,
the queen wants to show
that she is so amorous.
Hit the road, hit the road, you jealous!
Let us, let us,
dance among us, among us.
She has had it announced everywhere, indeed,
that, as far as the sea, indeed,
there shan't be maiden nor young man, indeed,
who shan't all come to dance,
in the joyous dance.
Hit the road, hit the road, you jealous!
Let us, let us,
dance among us, among us.
The king comes, indeed,
to disturb the dance, indeed
for he is in turmoil, indeed
that someone would want to steal,
the April Queen.
Hit the road, hit the road, you jealous!
Let us, let us,
dance among us, among us.
But his toil is in vain, indeed,
for she doesn't care for an old man, indeed,
but for blithe young one, indeed,
who would well know how to please
the savoury lady.
Hit the road, hit the road, you jealous!
Let us, let us,
dance among us, among us.
Whoever would see her dance, indeed,
and her move her pretty body, indeed,
could well say, by his troth, indeed,
that she has no match in this world,
the joyous queen.
Hit the road, hit the road, you jealous!
Let us, let us,
dance among us, among us.
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