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The Book

Inscribe me in the Book of your debts
’cause I’ve been buying you for a long while
with what you wanted to hear -
out of fear that it will sink, your love for me,
like a bee in a spoon full of tea
while trying to not lose breath.
I have no reasons to be scared.
I’m giving you verses and tones
all my iridescent pearls – to be a gift.
I can still make you fall for me with the poem
shrewdly and with flatter
I still can fool you with love.
And I will promise you anything
Indeed, everything you want –
my skin, my bone
and whichever face you’ll have wished
out of fear that it will sink, your love for me,
like a bee in a spoon full of tea
while trying to not lose breath.
I have no reasons to be scared.
I’m giving you verses and tones
all my iridescent pearls – to be a gift.
I can still make you fall for me with the poem
shrewdly and with flatter
I still can fool you with
~ Chorus repeated ~
I still can
I still can fool you with
(Lyrics in The "Fairy" language:)
Teh mahi seva hileyda
Suna heya, sun deya pejee
Leysun datuversa unmeyola
Jom tisela behsuda
Leysun datuversa unmeyola heyda.
Paroles originales


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