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I Know It Will End

I know it will end
I always have it nailed in the back of my head
I know this is all wrong
But sooner or later it will happen
And there will be dark days
Without words
I know it will end
And my pain will be strong
From this great love
I know it will all go away
Your smile
And that will drive me crazy
And when I find that I miss looking into your eyes
I'll find them and then lose myself in them again
There won't be anymore nights of passion
Not even nights to dream
Like a strong wind time will erase it all
You'll be an old flame
For me it will never be over
These of bitterness
These are days that stay with you
The past will always be a part of the future
That I will never understand
If this old love doesn't make you upset
I will suffer
I know it will end
But a song will always be there
As a memory of our love that will always leave a mark
For there to be no ending this must stop
To whom will I tell: "I love you to death"
If they know they'll also know
That this story was written
With pain
By the prince of my heart
For me it will never be over
These of bitterness
These are days that stay with you
The past will always be a part of the future
That I will never understand
If this old love doesn't make you upset
I will suffer
The past will always be a part of the future
That I will never understand
If this old love doesn't make you upset
I will suffer
Paroles originales

Lo so che finirà

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Anna Tatangelo: Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Lo so che finirà »