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I don't feel sorry

Much snow, the buildings are drowning,
The winter has come to my heart with its snowstorm.
The wires are burning the hands painfully,
If you want, I'll leave forever today.
I don't feel sorry for you,
I feel sorry for this winter.
It is unbearable for the winter to love you.
I don't feel sorry for you,
I feel sorry for this evening.
I don't have a heart anymore,
There is nothing to love with.
Much snow, someone's footsteps.
I know well that it's not you.
Tomorrow is our holiday, the New Year,
I'm looking out of the window and know no one will come.
I don't feel sorry for you,
I feel sorry for this winter.
It is unbearable for the winter to love you.
I don't feel sorry for you,
I feel sorry for this evening.
I don't have a heart anymore,
There is nothing to love with.
Paroles originales

Мне не жаль

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