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  • Zeraphine

    Nichts aus Liebe → traduction en anglais

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Nothing out of love

A maze of thoughts trails behind you
And you trip, it brakes and you fall.
Blinded in the day and blind at night
and already awakened again from your dreams.
Your gaze leads you far but there's nothing to see,
and the answers can't be understood.
A soundless word that grabs for you,
but you escape the past.
Nothing out of love, let yourself be carried by time
The truth is still trapped within you
Nothing out of love, let yourself drift, endlessly far
The world belongs to you and is yet in ruins
The sun drowns in a sea of light,
even if it never breaks on it,
Blinded at night and the day is blind,
and the day blind again for you
Nothing out of love, let yourself be carried by time
The truth is still trapped within you
Nothing out of love, let yourself drift, endlessly far
The world belongs to you and is yet in ruins
Nothing out of love, let yourself be carried by time
The truth is still trapped within you
Nothing out of love, let yourself drift, endlessly far
The world belongs to you and is yet in ruins
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Nichts aus Liebe

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Nichts aus Liebe »