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Ya Tabtab wa dala3

I comfort him and I spoil him
Or He tells me I've changed on him.
I become upset, my temper rises
But all He cares about is How to Please Him.
Go and Tell Him that I am also sometimes in moods.
One time I am upset, One Time Im ready to give him my eyes.
Who out of us is at there best at all times.
He makes me tired, and makes me want to pull out my eyes.
If I get upset from him and I be the bigger person
He says I am ignoring his feelings and he takes a stand
And If I explain to Him he says Im accusing Him.
And continues to make me feel 100 times guilty.
I am changing
His mind is so small confused my heart with him
But I love him so much.
And that is what made me patient with him so long.
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يا طبطب ... ودلع

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   Lun, 19/12/2016 - 18:53

The original lyrics have been edited so could you check your translation?