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No, I don't regret anythng

No, nothing
no, I don't regret anything
Nor the good that was done to me, nor the bad
All that doesn't matter to me
No, nothing
No, I don't regret anthing
It's all paid for, swept away, forgotten
I don't care about the past
With my memories, I lit the fire
my sorrows, my pleasures, I no longer need them
Swept away lovers with their tremors
Swept away forever, I'm starting again
No, nothing
No, I don't regret anything
Nor the good that was done to me nor the bad
All that doesn't matter to me
No, nothing
No, I don't regret anything
Because my life, because my happiness
Today it starts with you
Paroles originales

Non, je ne regrette rien

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (français)

Moshe KayeMoshe Kaye
   Dim, 23/01/2022 - 19:24

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.