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We Are Not

By my voice, in the name of the king
Put up with his will
To all legal intents and purposes
Please bow before him
Before blood starts flowing
From the crowds' frenzy
Insurgents, obey
Obey, obey
Pay attention, this is the ultimate warning
To obey without failing
We enlisted ourselves
To always serve without ever weakening
Yes, we swore to it
We owe to the power
Death and duty
Insurgents, obey
Obey, obey
Pay attention, this is the ultimate...
We are not
The valets of anyone
Not anyone anymore, we are not
We are not anymore
The subjects of any man
Our cause is a hundred times more noble
By my voice, in the name of the king
Put up with his will
You fall under the blows of the laws
Of lese-majesty
Your actions are crimes
The sanction is legitimate
Insurgents, obey
Obey, obey
Pay attention, this is the ultimate...
We are not
The valets of anyone
Not anyone anymore, we are not
We are not anymore
The subjects of any man
Our cause is a hundred times more noble
Long live our revolutionary dreams
There is no respite to insurrection
Long live our revolutionary dreams
There is no respite to insurrection
We are not
We are not
The valets of anyone
Not anyone anymore, we are not
We are not anymore
The subjects of any man
Our cause is a hundred times more noble
Paroles originales

Nous ne sommes

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (français)

1789, les Amants de la Bastille (Musical): Top 3