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  • Şebnem Ferah

    Okyanus → traduction en anglais

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A heavy door in front of me
And ocean behind it
I was already born in water
I have to open the door
Just that time, someone comes over
Takes hold of my ear
His eyes on the keyhole
says "just look through this"
I tell him to let that small picture go
This small breeze is not enough for us
Where the hell did u rasped it
He says, no, holding my ankle
Now a heavy door is in fron of me
And theres ocean behind it
And someone pulls me from my ankle
But I have to open the door
I say "look at the huge world"
I need to get out of here at once
At least, dont pull my ankle
I have to see and learn everything
Forward and backward
Every step means the behind of this door
Even if i am to drown at the end
I have to swim in those waters
This small scene seen through the keyhole
If thatz enough for u, let it be
But I need to swim in those waters
I need to swim
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