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  • Luisa Värk

    Palun pöördu tagasi → traduction en anglais

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Please turn back

I'm still standing
on this rocky road
a smile of summer
a hopeful mind
perhaps we will
get back
to the beginning of our love.
Please turn back
I don't need just a reminder of what was,
what's gone
please turn back
forgiveness, it's got good moments.
In memories
you're standing in front of me
embracing arms
like a fire inside me
i don't yet have the power
to forget
there's again hope to go together
Please turn back
I don't need just a reminder of what was,
what's gone
please turn back
forgiveness, it's got good moments.
when do i know
when do i have to
cast all feelings out of my head
what will i become
who will i become
without your love.
Please turn back
I don't need just a reminder of what was,
what's gone
please turn back
turn back
I don't need just a reminder of what was,
what's gone
please turn back
forgiveness, it's got good moments.
Please turn back
I don't need just a reminder of what was,
what's gone
please turn back
forgiveness, it's got good moments
it's got good moments.
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Palun pöördu tagasi

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