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Not The Time To Live

There are hours where
Vanish the shadows
Pain congeals
There are hours where
When the being, invincible
Leprosy tilts
If I could have seeing one day
I will be who haunt you
It would take me there, your breath,
To overcome the uncertainty
Imprison my loneliness
There are hours where
Notes become detached
Tears faded away
There are hours where
When the Moon is so white
Being is monachal
I'm wandering like a light
That the wind turned off
My nights have no more eyelids
To relieve one by one,
My fears of nothing more than one
I do not have the time to live
When runs away my equilibrium
I do not have the time to live
Love me, between me
Tell me the words that make drunk
Tell me that the night is disguised
You see, I am
As the sea that retires of
Having failed to find your, steps
There are hours where
My thoughts are so weak
A marble without veins
There are hours where
You're not over this world
Shadow of its shadow
What key do I need
To meet your star
I would need there, your hand
For hugging one to one
My fears of nothing more than one
Paroles originales

Pas le temps de vivre

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (français)

Mylène Farmer: Top 3
   Sam, 05/01/2013 - 19:33

Hi there, may I give you some advices or my point of you as regards your translation ?

_ Il est des heures où -> You just cannot translate the word 'où' by 'where'. Indeed, it is not a location but a TIME-RELATED word.
_ I could have seeing -> Clumsy structure.
_ Je serai qui tu hantes -> TU is the subject not a complement.
_ Tears faded away -> Present tense
_ My fears of nothing more than one -> Verb is missing I guess.
_ Love me, between me -> 'Entre en moi' is an imperativ form, not an adverb.
_ Shadow of its shadow -> I think 'its' is wrong.
_ For hugging one to one -> 'To' not 'For'.

Of course, you may absolutely make any change according what I advised.