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  • Fatih Kısaparmak

    bu gece beni düşün → traduction en anglais

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think of me tonight

Think of me tonight
Let your eyes go cloudy
How you put me aside and left in the hyena darkness
Think of that and feel the pain
My mind is on you every night
For one night, you think of me
I remember it like yesterday
Your dimpled smile as I caressed your hair
You can't forget me
You can't exchange me
Is it that easy to run away
You can't fool yourself
Love, think of me tonight
There is someone waiting for you
Love, think of me tonight
There is someone waiting for you
Think of me tonight
Shame on your vows
Let the barrel of regret
Abruptly point at your heart tonight
Think of me tonight
Behind the walls
Your photo remains, and your stampless letters
Are under my pillow
You can't forget me
You can't exchange me
Is it that easy to run away
You can't fool yourself
Love, think of me tonight
There is someone waiting for you
Love, think of me this one night
There is someone who worships you
Love, think of me tonight
There is someone who misses you
Love, think of me tonight
There is someone burning for you
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bu gece beni düşün

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