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  • Skaldowie

    Cała jesteś w skowronkach → traduction en anglais

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You're full of the joy of spring

You used to say, "I love skylarks
In the fields, above the fields
Everything it sings to us
Behind us and above us
They stand in the air
Up high under the clouds
They fall from the sky
With winds, with clouds"
You're full of the joy of spring
Your hair is singing
Your dress is singing
And a white pump
You used to say, "I love skylarks
In the fields, above the fields
Everything it sings to us
Behind us and above us
They are guarding the sky
And the field right at the balk
Don't ask about the rest
Because they will tell you"
You're full of the joy of spring...
Paroles originales

Cała jesteś w skowronkach

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (polonais)
