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    Cegła w Murze → traduction en anglais

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A Brick in the Wall

Do you know what this teddy bear does?
He answers the life needs of the whole society
This is the teddy bear on a scale of our possibilities
Hey teachers, f*** off
Form a double line, f***ing ABC
The earth is round and there are two goals
Bullshit, I feel like vomiting
Hey teachers, f*** off
Form a double line, f***ing ABC
The earth is round and there are two goals
Bullshit, I feel like vomiting
Sic on the enemy, raise prayers to the God
You need to love and respect your motherland
Cultivate the fear, earn and show off
Spend money, control stupid emotions
Impress, import, implode
Intern the chillout the same way as Wałęsa was interned
Take photos of your snout wherever you can
La la la la la la la la
You need to earn, you need to do sports
You musn't talk during lessons, you need to confess
You need to lead your thoughts into the right direction
And you musn't prompt
You need to have a car, two cars, three cars
You need to breed pigs, cats, dogs
Build houses, fallout shelters
Tell me darling, why am I pissed?
Hey teachers, f*** off
Form a double line, f***ing ABC
The earth is round and there are two goals
Bullshit, I feel like vomiting
Hey teachers, f*** off
Form a double line, f***ing ABC
The earth is round and there are two goals
Bullshit, I feel like vomiting
You f***cking need to do your best
You need to do your best in your life
Because nothing comes without effort, you know what I mean
You better tell me what befits, what doesn't befit
You don't want to - it's ok, you prefer a test instead of words
And seemingly not, if not, they would climb down from the trees*
Mum used to tell you, Truman's mate used to tell you
The only safe norm is the accepted one
Look: it's the cows grazing, not a herd of pork chops
Enough tablets, tables, tablet computers
Enough prospects for the wasted today
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you a bear**
The bear suitable for our needs and possibilities
The bear that seemingly misses normality
Today, when there is a chase on the streets and in our heads
The bear that plunges into the subconsciousness
The bear suitable for our needs and possibilities
The bear that seemingly misses normality
Today, when there is a chase on the streets and in our heads
The bear that plunges into the subconsciousness
Hey teachers, f*** off
Form a double line, f***ing ABC
The earth is round and there are two goals
Bullshit, I feel like vomiting
Hey teachers, f*** off
Form a double line, f***ing ABC
The earth is round and there are two goals
Bullshit, I feel like vomiting
It is the education not a constant animal training
I dreamed of a big river, big river full of milk
I dreamed of many rivers, many rivers full of milk
I dreamed of a big river, big river full of milk
I dreamed of many rivers, many rivers full of 'milks', so I said
We don't want your pseudo-applications, your brains of control
We don't need you sarcasm in front of the whole class
You can fuck off
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Cegła w Murze

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Cegła w Murze »