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Die for you

When I call you your phone is always off
But you call me every night
And I think I am going crazy
You are not normal
Why cant we be on the same page?
You only need me when you are emotional
Im done with you but I cant help whom I die for
To many questions
I cant help whom I die for
Do you remember when I needed you? you were never there you said no no no
Suddenly you want me back
Its to late Im saying no no no
It can never be us no no no
It can never be us no no no
I know you love that I die for you
But you forget everything I do for you
I know you love that I die for you
I told you to wait you should have listened to me
I know you like to have power
And I know you like feeling like you are in charge of me
I know you think you're keeping me in check but this king never lose
I dont mean to brag
You're just playing
My boys tell me I can do better if I wait
Its fine you're pretty baby, but I cant let you boss around anymore
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Dør for deg

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