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Sing, Heart

Tsvetelina, Galena, Tsvetelina, Galena...
Tell me where else can you see this
A life like a wedding, it always makes you happy
But never mind, I don't need money
Bubamara is playing loud, she makes me want to jump
Hot, passionate and fateful dramas -
everybody is ready for this love
Sing, heart, the hot summer is here again
My wife is happy, my children as well
Bare feet, brass bands
There is no revelry without a fight
Sing, heart, the hot summer is here again
Rataka tik, tarikata taka
Raising hands, God is smiling
And snapping his fingers
Rataka tik, tarikata taka
Sometimes spicy, the life is lively
A colourful life just like a gypsy stall
But when it's hot and when it's cold, everybody is here
Even if they're starving, they want to celebrate
Hot and wild, and warm, and playful -
everybody is ready for this love
Sing, heart, the hot summer is here again
My wife is happy, my children as well
Bare feet, brass bands
There is no revelry without a fight
Sing, heart, the hot summer is here again
Rataka tik, tarikata taka
Raising hands, God is smiling
And snapping his fingers
Rataka tik, tarikata taka
Look, look, look, look, look, look, look at that guy
The way he stares at us, he lost his horse
He makes me faint every time when
he smiles with his golden tooth
I know the "big fly" in his head -
to run away with me, to show me paradise
Go slowly, better shut up
We have a bandog and his collar is made in China
Better shut up, because his collar is made in China
Aysi shut up, aysi shut up
Aysi shut up, aysi shut up
Shut up, shut up, shut up
Sing, heart, the hot summer is here again
My wife is happy, my children as well
Bare feet, brass bands
There is no revelry without a fight
Sing, heart, the hot summer is here again
Rataka tik, tarikata taka
Raising hands, God is smiling
And snapping his fingers
Rataka tik, tarikata taka
Hands down, legs up
Hands up, legs down
Paroles originales

Пей, сърце

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