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Ven y baila DANCE! (Opening 4)

Ser mayor tiene que ser genial
pam-pam barabam pam-pan (si es genial)
tener un 10 es super guay
baipararai-pararai-baibai (si es muy guay)
Somos seis no podemos esperar
pero la clase va acabar ya
ponte la mochila coge chocolate
juntas vamos a jugar ¡let's go!
Todas somos brujas ¡bing bang!
tenemos un conjuro te divertirás
todas somos brujas ¡bing bang!
gritemos el pirika pirilala
Vamos a bailar
dance, dance, dance, dance
todas juntas
dance, dance, dance, dance
Todas somos brujas ¡bing bang!
tenemos un conjuro te divertirás
todas somos brujas ¡bing bang!
gritemos el pirika pirilala
Vamos a bailar
dance, dance, dance, dance
todas juntas
dance, dance, dance, dance ¡sí!
¡Oh!... ¡Me he caído!
¡vamos ya!

Come And Dance DANCE! (Apertura 4)

Being a grown-up must be fantastic
pam-pam barabam pam-pan (yes, it's fantastic)
Getting an A+ is super cool
baiparararai-pararai-baibai (yes, it's very cool)
There's six of us, we can't wait
But the class will end now
Get your backpack on, grab some chocolate
We'll play together, let's go!
We're all witches, bing bang!
We have a spell, you'll have fun
We're all witches, bing bang!
Let's shout out pirika pirilala
We're going to dance
dance, dance, dance, dance
All of us together
dance, dance, dance, dance
We're all witches, bing bang!
We have a spell, you'll have fun
We're all witches, bing bang!
Let's cry ou pirika pirilala
We're going to dance
dance, dance, dance, dance
All of us together
dance, dance, dance, dance, yes!
Oh....! I just fell down!
Come on, let's go!