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  • Grigore Leșe

    Săracu' omu' cu dor → traduction en anglais

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Săracu' omu' cu dor

Săracu' omu' cu dor,
Săracu' omu' cu dor,
Cum plânge sara la nor,
Ochii i se fac ponor.
Săracu' omu' cu jele,
Săracu' omu' cu jele,
Cum plânge sara la stele,
Ochii i se fac vâlcele.
De n-ar hi dorul mândrii,
M-aș culca, m-aș hodini,
Da' doru' mândruții este,
Eu la lume-s de poveste.

Poor sad man

Poor man with sadness
Poor man with sadness.
As though to make the clouds salty with his tears
His eyes make themselves into ponds.
Poor man with sorrowful lamentation,
Poor man with sorrowful lamentation,
As though to make the stars salty with his tears,
His eyes make themselves into a shallow valley.
We would urge on proud longing
I should lie down, I should relax,
But longing is proud
I am in the story about mankind
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