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  • Mamba

    Saa koskettaa → traduction en anglais

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Can touch

Don't say
I know
That you can't live
Without tenderness
You're just like me
Perhaps it was a coincidence
That we met
The looks tell it
You're not alone now
The feeling is mutual
And wishes
Pointless wishes
Have all one by one
When you come closer
And take my hand
You make me dive
Even deeper into your eyes
Can touch
Can't resist
Somewhere there
In the dark
I know you are
And listen to
Changed silence
Things you can't say out loud
And again
When you come close to me
The world starts over
When I get to be near you
And burn with desire
Can touch
Can't resist
Again when you come close to me
The world starts over
When I get to be near you
And burn with desire
Can touch
Can't resist
Paroles originales

Saa koskettaa

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (finnois)
