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  • Berry

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So often

I've often said "I love you" without thinking it, I guess
So often I even heard
No, oh no even in a whisper
This time, this time
I won't say it
I've often been sad
In love the tears are always the same
So if the grief takes me away
This time, this time
I won't cry
Anyway, it's not
So often
It happens from time to time
This moment, this instant
I've often been alone
That they wanted me
So often to change when the arm changed
No, oh no even for you
This time, this time
I will stay like this
Anyway, it's not
So often
It happens from time to time
This moment, this instant
I've often said "I love you" without thinking it, I guess
So often I even heard
No, oh no even in a whisper
This time, this time
I won't say it
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