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in vain

my hearth is empty,it's rooms are empty tired and sensless
how could be the night such heartless ,even much more drunk than me
i've never slept seven days and nights
maybe he call from where did he go,very cruel
drunk even much more than the night
always we desire more than more that we had
we are the enemy of ourselfs
always we desire more than more that we had
we are the enemy of ourselfs
how i had been fallen love with you
how i calmed when u were not here
i solaced my right hand with my left hand
in vain in vain
i'm not angry,you are not stranger
you had never said" i'm perfect"
ok we failed,at least we are aware of that
always we desire more than more that we had
we are the enemy of ourselfs
always we desire more than more that we had
we are the enemy of ourselfs
how i had been fallen love with you
how i calmed when u were not here
i solaced my right hand with my left hand in vain in vain
how i had been fallen love with you
how i calmed when u were not here
i solaced my right hand with my left hand
in vain in vain
Paroles originales

Boş Yere

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