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Son Öpücük

This is the last glance, last smile for you
This is the last kiss coming from my heart for you
The love that I have been bringing up for ages
Unfortunately, now, it’s so little
You thought that I’m with you whatever you do
That I have to come over the suffering, unfaithfullness
That I can’t do, I can’t go, you thought that I can’t give up
From now on, I’m only in your past, your memories
This ist he last glance, last smile for you
This is the last kiss coming from my heart for you
The love that I have been bringing up for ages
Unfortunately, now, it’s so little
This is the last goodbye, my last word for you
This is the most sincere feelings that I have ever written
And the reason which finished my love I couldn’t tell you is
The faithfulness you thought it was hidden
Paroles originales

Son öpücük

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (turc)

AN60SHAN60SH    Sam, 19/05/2012 - 22:11

Здесь прослеживается рифма, отлично