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I know one thing, everything that makes me happy
Is not enough for good morning
If you're not here
It's better the day not to begin
I get up earlier than you
I set up the alarm clock in my head to eight
And I'm watching you, watching you
Then I wonder what is going on with me
the storm raises
You're better than summer adventure
Because of you, everythink breaks me
My body is on fire
And I fly like a jet planes
the storm raises
You're better than summer adventure
Have lost my mind
Trust me, so much
you mean to me, you know
Numero uno (number one)
Numero uno (number one)
oooooo temperature cuanta locura
(temperature how much madness)
And when the rains fall down
I want you even three times more
For you are the Sun that makes my day
With you I start to dance (become joly)
In the rhythm "dam", "dam", "dam"
And I don't know where I am anymore
Because you are so strong
I admit to everyone that I cannot be without you
And that's the way it is every day
As I am trained
To eat from your hand
Come on, come on, come on, come on
save me
You know that best ...
the storm raises
You're better than summer adventure
Because of you, everythink breaks me
My body is on fire
And I fly like a jet planes
the storm raises
You're better than summer adventure
Have lost my mind
Trust me, so much
you mean to me, you know
Numero uno (number one)
Numero uno (number one)
Tus travesuras son veneno que despierta mi locura nina ven conmigo y tu vas a volar,
con tu dulcura sube la temperatura cuando empiezas a bailar no puedo respirar, te necesito amar,
lo que me pides sabes que te voy a dar,
yo quiero complacer tu cuerpo de mujer, quedate hasta el amanecer
(Your naughtiness is a poison that awakens my madness, girl. Come with me and you are going to fly,
With you, sweetness, the temperature raises, when you start to dance, I can not breathe, I need to love you,
whatever you ask for, you know I'll give you,
I want to please your woman's body, stay here till dawn)
I know one thing, everything that makes me happy
Is not enough for good morning
If you're not here
It's better the day not to begin
I get up earlier than you
I set up the alarm clock in my head to eight
And I'm watching you, watching you
the storm raises
You're better than summer adventure
Because of you, everythink breaks me
My body is on fire
And I fly like a jet planes
the storm raises
You're better than summer adventure
Have lost my mind
Trust me, so much
you mean to me, you know
Numero uno (number one)
Numero uno (number one)
Paroles originales


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Saša Kovačević: Top 3