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Your Invitation

I accepted your invitation in error.
I have to make a mistake within the hour.
I have to plant myself in season.
You know I've united myself
with that which never smiles,
but that which is clearly heard
and has a pretty voice
says on my behalf:
You know I'm not entirely sane.
You know I'm always right.
You know I'm not a sympathetic man,
and you know I'm making all this up (vulgar).
You know I don't trust,
I don't trust myself,
I'm hopeless and I'm making all this up, all this up.
If you want to be talked about,
if you want me to be talked about,
let's talk about the future vengeance you'll have
against me.
Let's say, intersperced with awkward silence,
that we're totally alone for once,
that we've gone off for a dance.
It won't be any farther, you see.
I accepted your invitation in error.
I must make a mistake within the hour.
I must plant myself in season.
Rest assured that if we traced
an arrow, a point in our space.
You know I'm not entirely sane and you know
I'm always right.
Paroles originales

Ton invitation

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (français)

Louise Attaque: Top 3
   Mer, 20/10/2021 - 06:15

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.

Torpedo23Torpedo23    Mer, 20/10/2021 - 06:19

Not the worst translation I've come across, but lots of mistakes and lines that have nothing to do with the original, sadly. This really needs to be edited/massively rewritten. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS AS A BASIS FOR YOUR TEXTUAL ANALYSIS.