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and you

the day that shattered me,
made me too hard
i have forgotten of myself enough
i was, i wasnt myself
i will close behind me,
nothing will cant touch me again
in the depths of my heart
i was wrong, i wasnt myself
the emptiness will not hit me again,
the reality will wait,
i will not cry again
i will console
and you,
who are you kidding to, when you,
dont give me a hug again
you almost came for a moment
i would else if i had known
that you,
who you get close to?
who you fall in love with?
who you dont leave?
if you only had stay here,
i would make you happy
again going the same town, the same faces
i know, the odors in the air
i was wrong, i didnt see you
now all the girls look more the same,
every song make me to remember
the heart stops of each ringing
i had touched, i didnt feel you
and never i dont want to fall in love again
the love that will be rotten,
the sensitivity
that will burn
and you,
who are you touch slowly?
who are you hurt ?
almost like when you had hurt me
all the world - you found out
and take it from me
with you
and who is the someone that touch you now?
i hope that he happy that he have you
dont make you pain
dont hurt you
i think i would the same, if i had known.
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