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  • Vsi za enega → traduction en anglais

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Vsi za enega

En korak, tako težko se zdi,
a skupaj zmogli smo ga vsi.
Ves strah, nemir, pozabljeno je vse
in z roko v roki ne bojimo se.
Solze, smeh, v naših so očeh,
kjer koli smo, le eno sanjamo.
Ker vsaj nocoj, le mi heroji smo,
s ponosom danes mi verjamemo.
Vsi za enega, upamo iz srca,
da nocoj morda
za hip dotaknemo se spet neba.
Vsi za enega, drug za drugega
v znak prijateljstva
držimo skupaj, res verjamemo.
Vsi za enega, ker nekje nenadoma
nekega bo dne
vztrepetalo v zmagi to srce.
Vsi za enega, le nocoj morda
za hip dotaknemo se vsi neba.
V sebi res, tako želimo si,
da na skrivaj nas sreča prehiti,
ker vsaj nocoj, le mi heroji smo,
s ponosom danes mi verjamemo.
Vsi za enega, upamo iz srca,
da nocoj morda
za hip dotaknemo se spet neba.
Vsi za enega, drug za drugega,
v znak prijateljstva
držimo skupaj, res verjamemo.
Vsi za enega, ker nekje nenadoma
nekega bo dne,
vztrepetalo v zmagi to srce.
Vsi za enega, le nocoj morda
za hip dotaknemo se vsi neba.
Vsi za enega, ker nekje nenadoma
nekega bo dne,
vztrepetalo v zmagi to srce.

All for one

One step, it seems so hard
but together, we all took it.
Every fear, unrest, all's forgotten
hand-in-hand, we fear nothing.
Tears and laughter in our eyes
wherever we are, we dream only of one thing.
Because only we are heroes, at least for tonight
today we pridefully believe.
All for one, we hope from the heart
that tonight, maybe
for a moment we will touch the sky again.
All for one, for each other
as a sign of frienship
we stick together, and truly believe.
All for one, because somewhere, suddenly
one day
this heart will flutter in victory.
All for one, maybe only tonight
for a moment we will touch the sky.
In my heart I wish
that secretly, happiness will overtake us,
Because only we are heroes, at least for tonight
today we pridefully believe.
All for one, we hope from the heart
that tonight, maybe
for a moment we will touch the sky again.
All for one, for each other
as a sign of frienship
we stick together, and truly believe.
All for one, because somewhere, suddenly
one day
this heart will flutter in victory.
All for one, maybe only tonight
for a moment we will touch the sky.
All for one, because somewhere, suddenly
one day
this heart will flutter in victory.