La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Maryla Rodowicz

    W górę szlaban → traduction en anglais

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Open up the gate

I'm joyless, but wear a bow knot
flying toward the sun. Hey, Leonardo!
And I am spinning, 'cause it's not worth to stand in place.
Forward, planet! Hey, hey, Leonardo!
The devil is pulling me, ear-grabbing.
Where do you want to head off to, crazy?
But I am ready, halberd in hand.
Hey, the coast is clear! Hey, hey, Leonardo!
There's enough of everything
It's possible to go anywhere
There's enough of everything
Open up the gate!
You, sir, in the crown, you, with the abacus,
I don't want to be an ant, I want to be a goldfinch.
And my fame, way, and music
dashes towards a brown life.
I came from god-knows-where, but who cares,
I'm heading far away. Hey, hey, my friend!
Dear son, let's leave this matter
for some nine spaces after the comma.
There's enough of everything
It's possible to go anywhere
There's enough of everything
Open up the gate!
Paroles originales

W górę szlaban

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « W górę szlaban »