La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Vicente Fernández

    Ya me voy para siempre → traduction en anglais

Taille de la police
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I'm leaving forever

I'm leaving forever
to never come back
the love that I wanted
didn't want to love me
I'm leaving defeated
my heart hurts
because the love of my life
because the love of my life
left me alone
I'm going to wander off somewhere
I'll try and go on
with my life more calmly
if this pain insists
don't be surprised when
my home is the canteen.
I'm leaving defeated
my heart hurts
because the love of my life
because the love of my life
left me alone
I'm going to wander off somewhere
I'll try and go on
with my life more calmly
if this pain insists
don't be surprised when
my home is the canteen.
I'm leaving defeated
my heart hurts
because the love of my life
because the love of my life
left me alone
Paroles originales

Ya me voy para siempre

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