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Life is a tight fitting cage, my dear
Word is aizle, you get burn
Time is ointment but fickle
Futile, no trace, a pack of lies
And unfortunately the heart is plundered
With the pain, hopefully your life will go on
Even so, I have many reasons to wake up for a new day, to smile forever, to hold on tight to life, by insist
On purpose, i have made mistake, i have many regrets
On purpose, i have cheated but, i have deceived a lot
On purpose, i have made mistake, i have many regrets
On purpose, i have cheated but, i have deceived a lot
This is the situation, stranger
If what you call 'trouble' is this, same here as well
Life is a tight fitting cage, my dear
Word is aizle, you get burn
Time is ointment but for naught
Futile, no trace, a pack of lies
And unfortunately the heart is plundered
With pain, also let's say that the state is alive and well
Even so, I have many reasons to wake up for a new day, to smile forever, to hold on tight to life, by insist
On purpose, i have made mistake, i have many regrets
On purpose, i have cheated but, i have deceived a lot
On purpose, i have made mistake, i have many regrets
On purpose, i have cheated but, i have deceived a lot
This is the situation, stranger
If what you call 'trouble' is this, same here as well
If what you call 'trouble' is this, same here as well
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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Yabancı »