La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Ali Atay

    Yalan → traduction en anglais

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A lie

When you fall down,you just can't stop it
When you are silent,you can't tell a word
May be
How should I know?
When you're away,you can't hear anything
When I leave,you can't find me
Where am I?
I'm aware of it
It's a lie!Whatever I say,whatever I hear is a lie
It's a lie!Whoever told whatever,whatever you heard is a lie
An aflame life can't stop
And doesn't stop searching but can't find
I'm just standing here up
It's a lie!Whatever I say,whatever I hear is a lie
It's a lie!Whoever told whatever,whatever you heard is a lie
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